BCPA is a wealth-building organization committed to accelerating the growth of Black innovators and Black-owned technology businesses through mentorship, coaching and community.

You Can Benefit

Partner Directory and Community
A directory to help showcase your business competencies and strengths to the BCPA community with the goal of supporting diversified supply chains and other minority black owned businesses nationwide. -
Unlock Shared Business Opportunities
Expand your community and partner with other complimentary black owned technology businesses to help support and acquire both enterprise and federal contracts. -
Mentoring, Training, Joint Marketing Sponsorships
Acquire new skills and competencies through BCPA workshops and joint partnership seminars to expand the growth and opportunities of your business. - Learn More

Gain access and visibility amongst black businesses in tech
Put your organization at the forefront and increase adoption of your technologies within the underserved black tech community. -
Increase diversity of your supply chains.
Build resilience and inclusivity within your supply chains by providing opportunity to black technology partners of BCPA. -
Gain Access to BCPA Partner Directory.
Streamline introductions and build connections within the black technology space. Maximize the use of BCPA partner competencies for your next projects. - Learn More

Join an accelerator program created with African American IT companies in mind to help expand and take advantage of numerous growth opportunities. Learn to better navigate and how to become qualified service providers within differing technology ecosystems.
Kevin Clemons
CEO, Au Technology Solutions
DynamicsPower Platform“Working with the Black Channel Partner Alliance has helped me focus my business service offering by providing useful guidance and providing a helpful environment for myself and peers to grow as business owners.”
Christine Kinyenje
Executive Director
DynamicsPower Platform“The program shortened the onboarding process of becoming a successful Microsoft Channel Partner.”
Laura Harrison
Chief Executive Officer
DynamicsPower Platform““The BCPA contribution to our success includes developing New Vision Security with broader mindsets for our goals. This includes a discipline of measuring the progress of our strategic plans every day.”
“Working with the Black Channel Partner Alliance has helped me focus my business service offering by providing useful guidance and providing a helpful environment for myself and peers to grow as business owners.”
Kevin ClemonsCEO, Au Technology Solutions 

Become a supporter and change leader within the Black technology space with BCPA.

WOW just wow, BCPA's accelerator program helped make a huge difference in my business. Everything from strategy, sales, and partnerships was discussed and helped me elevate my business to another level.

Frank Valdivieso
Gryphon Consulting
BCPA is awesome and has been one of the key differentiators in helping my business scale and rub shoulders with the elites within the technology space.

Nyasha Tunduwani
Real Impact technology Consulting
The BCPA experience has been a transformative one, never had I thought a resource like this existed to help grow my business!!

Danny Brown
App Meetup

BCPA has a core focus of generating wealth for those black and brown within the technology space. Our Mission is to build, high performance, community focused, sustainable next generation channel partners within our communities.